Friday, February 26, 2010

Personal Best

Ha! The knitting gods did not smite me down for my arrogant prediction that I'd finish early.

Total length (unblocked) - 65"

I used up both balls (that was the point).
I'm liking the ploofiness of it right now so I probably won't block it.
Great pattern; only downside was that I had to watch what I was doing which meant missing much of the Olympic action. However, thanks to the NBC announcers (wildly Americentric though they may be) I heard all of the highlights and had some warning when to look up.
It was a tad anti-climactic to bind-off by myself during a Seinfeld repeat. But it was authentic.
And now George is cuddled around my neck while I veg out with a romantic comedy.
Despite the scarf's weightlessness, it feels like a gold medal.


Sungopolis said...

Congratulations for sticking that landing! Fine Job.

May the knitting gods always smile kindly upon you.

Passionknitly said...

I really should have knit something that wasn't a cardigan. I'm having FO envy!

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